Need A Migraine? Visit the In-And-Out in Victorville

So we’re a good four hours into our trip, and we decide to stop for food.  In retrospect, this should have happened an hour earlier (that means my blood sugar is crashing, and even more cranky than usual).  It’s also about 230 degrees in Victorville, and the people are melting as the try to get from their car to their house.  The gods smile on us and we find a space in the shade.  We enter the largest — and loudest — In-And-Out burger I’ve ever been do.  The volume on the speakers calling out order numbers is loud enough to loosen fillings.  The registers are so close together, it’s impossible for more than one person to order, it’s impossible for anyone to hear the person behind them, it’s impossible for anyone who’s ordered at another register to get by you.  It’s a disaster.

As we wait for the food, I attempt to download the Go Pro footage into the computer.  It’s never a good idea for me to attempt anything technical.  And when I’m hungry and tired, well, you can guess the rest.

ROAD TRIP TIP:  If you’re taking a Go Pro and want to do a time-lapse, A) read the manual and adjust the settings, because the default on the time lapse is one picture every second, which will fill up the camera with more than seven thousand pictures in a few hours.  B) download the Go Pro Software onto your laptop.  It’s free.  If you don’t, iphoto will want to import all 7000 photos into your laptop, which will take much longer than ordering and eating a double double.   And it will frustrate you enough  not to figure it all out til you get to chicago.

For those of you that are dying to see a time lapse of Park La Brea to Victorville, we will have that up shortly.

I Was Promised A Blog

So the plan was to post photos and notes from our cross country trip every day on this site so everyone who cares could follow along with our adventures.  That didn’t really happen, but, just like on our trip, we’re adjusting.  Going with the flow.  So over the next few days as we take a rest in New Jersey, we’ll be doing our best to catch up on our adventures.  Thank you for your patience.Image


So it’s ten o clock at night.  Sam is just going to bed.  I imagine we’ll be packing for a few more hours.  We’re hoping to leave tomorrow, but it might not be ’til monday.  We’ll see.  Nothing fancy in this first post, just to whet your appetite.
